To call Goosenecks State Park, a “park” is a bit of an exaggeration in my opinion, since it is more like a look-out over the canyons formed by the San Juan River. Nevertheless it is a pretty amazing landscape to behold so if you are in the area make the short detour for it.
Location: Goosenecks State Park is in south of Utah, at the end of Rt. 316. To get there take highway 163, turn off on Rt 261 and then take Rt 316. You will likely find yourself all alone on this narrow, two lane road which ends in a parking lot with a look-out onto the “goosenecks” three horseshoe shaped formations carved by the San Juan River. There is a small fee, $5.00 if I remember correctly paid to an attendant in the kiosk at the parking lot entrance. I was really surprised there was actually a person working there, I’m sure he is not always there, this place and the road leading to it feel like a no man’s land. There were no visitors there when I arrived, and only a handful of people showed up while I was there.
Crowds: highly unlikely. Even though it is a spectacular location, it is not well known.
Here is a link to the parks official website: Goosenecks State Park
Nearby attractions:
Monument Valley is 31 miles south;
Valley of the Gods is about 14 miles north
Four Corners Monument is about 80 miles east
Horseshoe Bend -150 miles west;
Goblin Valley State Park -160 miles north